Zech 4:10 Do not despise the day of small beginnings (much to follow)

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Through the Bible in a Year booklet - 365 Well Balanced Spiritual Meals, produce strong growing faith - $5 + $5 S&H - USA

High Energy Diet 28 page book - a permanent fat loss program for a long healthy life - concise & clear - $10 + $5 S&H - USA

How to Resurrect & Perfect Your Marriage - God has reconnected us - I'm married to my best friend - $20 + $5 S&H - USA

Biblical People Skills - a church can't grow if untrained laity are unwittingly chasing-off the sheep - $20 + $5 S&H - USA

Faith for Wisdom, Direction & Favor - An Anointing to Prosper - living in God's Circle of Blessing - $20 + $5 S&H USA

Management by Measurement - Dreams, Goals, Plans - weekly Measured & Managed to Success - $20 + $5 S&H - USA


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Jesus Loves You - He gave His life for You - have you received His FREE GIFT of Eternal Life?

The 4 W's of Christian Growth - now that I've given my heart to Jesus, what's next?

Through the Bible in a Year (see page 7) - to produce strong healthy growing Christians

Mediation is the Goal - I daily read my Bible to find those 1 or 2 nuggets to mediate on - how do I do this?

My Christian Passport - I AM a Winner - I AM who God says I am - powerful life transforming daily confession

Healing Scriptures - regularly meditate on these - know & memorize them - maintaining health is superior to receiving healing

The Covenant of Communion - Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947) - a mighty man of God - served himself communion everyday

Victory in my Diet - confession of faith for self control over 'Wrong Eating' & 'Over Eating'

My Never Again List - never again will I confess…